On a theorem of Muchenhoupt-Wheeden in generalized Morrey spaces

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  • Amiran Gogatishvili
  • Rza Mustafayev


generalized Morrey spaces, Riesz potential, fractional maximal operator


In this paper we find a condition on a function w which ensures the equivalence of norms of the Riesz potential and the fractional maximal function in generalized Morrey spaces Mp,w(Rn).

Recall that Iα * μ and Mαμ denote the Riesz potential and the fractional maximal function associated with a non-negative measure μ on Rn, respectively. That is,
Iα * μ(x) = ∫Rn dμ(y) / |x - y|n-α, 0 < α < n,
Mαμ(x) = supr>0 rα-n μ(B(x,r)), 0 ≤ α < n,
where B(x,r) denotes the open ball centered at x of radius r. If dμ(x) = f(x) dx, then Iα * μ and Mαμ will be denoted by Iαf and Mαf, respectively.

Recall that, for 0 < α < n,
Mαf(x) ≲ Iα * μ(x)
for any x ∈ Rn.

By A ≲ B we mean that A ≤ cB with some positive constant c independent of appropriate quantities. If A ≲ B and B ≲ A, we write A ≈ B and say that A and B are equivalent.

Let us denote by Lp, loc+(Rn) the set of all non-negative functions from Lploc(Rn). The well-known Morrey spaces Mp,α, introduced by C. Morrey in 1938 in connection with the study of partial differential equations, were widely investigated during the last decades, including the study of classical operators of harmonic analysis - maximal, singular and potential operators - in generalizations of these spaces (the so-called Morrey-type spaces).




How to Cite

Gogatishvili, A., & Mustafayev, R. (2024). On a theorem of Muchenhoupt-Wheeden in generalized Morrey spaces. Eurasian Mathematical Journal, 2(2). Retrieved from https://emj.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/86


