On the singular numbers of correct restrictions of non-selfadjoint elliptic differential operators

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  • Victor Burenkov
  • Mukhtarbai Otelbaev


correct restrictions, leading and non-leading operators, estimates and asymptotics for singular numbers


Conditions are established on a correct restriction of an elliptic differential operator of order 2l defined on a bounded domain in ℝn with sufficiently smooth boundary, ensuring that its singular numbers sk are of order k-2l/n. As an application certain estimates are obtained for the deviation upon domain perturbation of singular numbers of such correct restrictions. Let l, n ∈ ℕ and L be an elliptic differential expression of the following form: for u ∈ C∞(ℝn),
(Lu)(x) = ∑_|α|,|β|≤l (-1)|α|+|β|Dα (Aαβ(x)Dβ u) , x ∈ ℝn,
where Aαβ ∈ Cl(ℝn) are real-valued functions for all multi-indices α, β satisfying |α|, |β| ≤ l. Moreover, let, for a domain Ω ⊆ ℝn, LΩ : D(LΩ) → L2(Ω) be a linear operator closed in L2(Ω) generated by L on Ω.
A restriction A : D(A) → L2(Ω) of LΩ is correct if the equation Au = f has a unique solution u ∈ D(A) for any f ∈ L2(Ω) and the corresponding inverse operator A-1 : L2(Ω) → D(A) is bounded. For the properties of correct restrictions see [5], [3].




How to Cite

Burenkov, V., & Otelbaev, M. (2024). On the singular numbers of correct restrictions of non-selfadjoint elliptic differential operators. Eurasian Mathematical Journal, 2(1). Retrieved from https://emj.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/75




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